Minggu, 05 Maret 2017

(PART 4) Best diet to lose weight fast and keep it off

Weight Loss Medicine-Can Be Used With Healthy Weight Loss

If you have been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully, and are weary of surgery, then weight loss medicine may be just what you need. To be fair, even the best drugs shouldn't be used as a substitution for healthy diet and exercise. However, if you just don't get positive results from making lifestyle changes, then adding medication could make the difference in shedding some extra pounds. Before you run out and start popping pills, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Before you take any medication for weight loss it is critical that you talk to your doctor first. It doesn't matter if you want a prescription, plan on taking an over the counter weight loss supplement or wish to try an herbal remedy for weight loss; you must talk to your doctor first. Your doctor knows your personal health history and can also give you additional recommendations to help you lose weight.

Weight loss medicine has come a long way in recent years, and that is good news for a lot of people. However, before you jump at the chance to pop a few pills to solve your weight problem you should try other methods first. All drugs have the possibility of side effects, and newer medication hasn't had enough time for long-term side effects to be known. You should always try a healthy diet and exercise program first and see of you are able to get your weight under control first. If nothing seems to work at all, then you can start looking at medication to help you.

Over the counter weight loss medicine, by definition, does not require a doctor's prescription (you still need to talk to your doctor though) to take it. Sometimes these are a weaker formula of a prescription-strength medication, and other times they contain ingredients that can be sold directly to consumers. However, this does not automatically mean that there is no risk for side effects.

Weight loss medicine that you get from a doctor may also have side effects, but at least your doctor can inform you of what to watch out for, and she can also schedule a follow-up appointment to see how the medicine is working. Each medication (prescribed or over-the-counter) has its own list of potential side effects, so you need to be aware of what those are. In the case of some prescription medications, you may have to take a blood test to make sure you aren't suffering from unnoticed side effects.

If you do end up trying weight loss medicine of any kind, you must carefully the directions for taking it. Do not make the mistake of thinking that taking more will help you to lose more weight. Even though that is a slight possibility, the chance of suffering harmful side effects increases dramatically. Furthermore, it is against the law in most jurisdictions. Take the medicine as directed and you should eventually see some results.

That being said, taking weight loss medicine is not a substitute for healthy diet and exercise, so you still need to keep an eye on what you eat and make sure you engage in physical activity.

Weight Loss The Healthy Way Will Keep It Off Longer

Let's face it, there are tons of fad diets clogging up the market, and virtually all of them promise to help you lose a lot of weight in an unbelievably short amount of time. Even if the claims are true (they rarely are), it's more important to go about weight loss the healthy way.

Before you do anything else, you need to talk to your doctor about your desire to lose weight. They will be aware of any underlying health issues you may have, they have access to the latest research on weight loss, and they can also make recommendations based on your particular needs. Also, nothing in this article is intended to be medical advice, so what your doctor says is what counts.

It seems as though a new fad diet is thrust upon us on a daily basis. While there are a few exceptions, the vast majority of fad diets are not healthy. They typically restrict calories down to a dangerous level, severely limit the foods you can eat, or rely on pseudoscience to support their shaky claims. There may be cases where false claims don't really matter all that much, but bad diets can actually lead to major health problems. If you want to lose weight, then weight loss the healthy way is always your best option.

Your body needs a wide range of nutrients to be healthy. The old conventional wisdom was that your body only needed a few major vitamins and minerals to experience optimal health. In fact, there was a time when it was imagined that people would pop a few pills each day and get everything they need. However, science has now seen that we need a wide range of nutrients, micronutrients, phytochemicals and more, and the only way to get them is to eat them in the form of food.

What this means is that weight loss the health way starts with the food you eat. You will go far if you stick to a few basic rules.

1. Eat food as close to its original source as possible.

2. Eat a wide variety of foods.

3. Compare food labels at the grocery store, and choose the healthier options.

Of course food alone isn't enough to get healthy while losing weight; you also have to engage in physical activity. Aerobic exercise will burn the most calories while you are doing it, and resistance exercise will build muscle which burns more calories when you are at rest. Go ahead and work up a sweat, but don't overdo it, otherwise you run the risk of injury.

Weight loss the healthy way includes eating right and getting some exercise. It isn't as difficult as some people believe, but it does take commitment and practice. The only catch is that reading about it isn't enough; you need to follow through and take action if you are serious about losing weight for goo

Sabtu, 04 Maret 2017

Best diet to lose weight fast and keep it off (part 3)

Stretching For Lower Back Pain When Exercising To Lose Weight

The best way to treat lower back pain is to avoid it in the first place; however, that's nearly impossible with the demands modern life puts on our bodies. The good news is that there are stretching exercises for lower back pain that can bring much-needed relief. Note: You must always talk to your doctor about any health concerns, and follow their recommendations carefully.

Just about everybody experiences back pain at one point or another. The causes of lower back pain include improper lifting, repetitive stress, trauma, obesity and other underlying health problems. The cause of the pain may determine the best treatment, and that's why it's so important to talk to your doctor.

Sadly, far too many people turn to medication first. That's not to say that medication doesn't work, but rather that it comes with the potential of serious side effects. Pain is actually a useful feedback mechanism in that it tells your body to stop doing something that's harmful. When you take medication, your body doesn't receive or process pain signals the same way, so you need to be extra careful that you're not doing something harmful. Then there is also the high risk of developing an addiction to the pain relievers; after all, people like to feel good and taking the medication away often means the pain comes right back.

Stretching exercises for lower back pain are a natural way to feel better, but you still need to be careful. Again, be sure to discuss all of your treatment options with your doctor. The risks associated with medication or surgery are gone, yet there are potential risks to exercising. You can virtually eliminate these risks by doing the proper exercises and not overdoing it when exercising.

Never stretch further than is comfortable unless you are under the direct supervision of a physical therapist at the time. You may be able to get away with pushing yourself when doing regular stretching exercises and don't have back problems, but if you have back pain, then overstretching will only make things worse.

You have a few options for finding the best exercises. You can go to a physical therapist, take yoga classes, search for free videos online (though this is risky as you have no way of verifying credentials), or you can buy books or DVDs with stretching exercises for lower back pain. The main thing is to get instruction from someone who understands the problem, and will not cause you to injure yourself. There is no shortage of resources for finding the best exercises for you, but you need to actually follow through on them if you want to get the benefits. In other words, ignoring the problem won't make it go away.

While you may be most interested in stretching exercises for lower back pain, it's good to know that these exercises can improve your entire state of health. So, find some exercises you would like to try and see how much better they make you feel.

Walking For Weight Loss-Dont Struggle Just Walk

Losing weight is a goal that is shared by a lot of people, yet there are those who can do it, and others who seem to always be struggling. Regardless of which group you fall into, walking for weight loss may be just the thing you need to get rid of a few stubborn pounds. Walking is an excellent way to give your body some physical activity, and has additional benefits that shouldn't be overlooked.

People are designed to walk; well, most people are anyway. Apart from having some sort of physical affliction that prohibits it, walking is the most natural exercise that you can do. People are made for walking, and that means that it doesn't require any special knowledge or equipment to start walking for weight loss. Even though it is a completely natural activity, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of it.

NOTE: To be safe, you should always talk to your doctor before starting a weight loss or exercise program of any kind.

1. Start slow. This is especially important if you have been sedentary up until this point. Simply start off your walks at a slow pace, and walk for as long as you feel comfortable. If you can only take a short walk around the block at first, then do it. Over time you will be able to walk farther and farther. Remember, you are walking to get rid of some extra weight, not running a marathon.

2. Walk with a friend. Having somebody to walk with makes it more enjoyable, and you may find that you end up walking more often, and greater distances than if you were alone. Not only that, but the both of you (or all of you if you walk with more than one friend) will be getting healthier, so you can feel good about doing something nice for your friend.

3. Vary your pace. Once you get into walking, try changing your pace. Walk at a regular pace for two minutes, then at a brisk pace for one minute, repeating as often as you can. Do that for a few days, and then switch to walking at a regular pace for two minutes and a brisk pace for two minutes. After a few more days walk at a regular pace for one minute and a brisk pace for two minutes. Keep increasing the amount of brisk walking you do, but return to a regular pace on occasion as that will allow you to do more brisk walking.

4. Walk often. You have to make walking a habit if you want to get all of health benefits from it.  It's not something you can do for five minutes every other week and expect to see any results. Walking is so natural that you should be able to do it every day, but even four or five days per week can make a difference.

You will be able to shed those extra pounds more easily when you follow these tips for walking for weight loss.

Weight Loss For Vegetarians-Yes It Happens To Vegetarians

If you are a vegetarian that is struggling with your weight then you should know that you are not alone. That being said, it is relatively rare to find vegetarians who are also obese, but it's not unheard of. Weight loss for vegetarians can be trickier than for those who happen to eat meat, but you can still lose weight if you are dedicated to doing so.

Before you start trying to lose weight, it is absolutely vital that you talk to your personal health care provider first. Sure, vegetarians are for the most part healthier than the average person, but there could be underlying health concerns that will limit what you can do to lose weight. Furthermore, your health care provider will be ware of current research related to weight loss, and they should be able to arm you with useful information that will help you in your efforts to lose weight.

Low-carb diets have been very popular in recent years, but they will be very difficult for a vegetarian to do. That's okay, though, because the jury is still out on the long-term health effects of such diets. You can certainly try to do a low-carb diet for vegetarians if you can find one. At least you will have the advantage of not filling your body with the bad stuff that's frequently associated with eating meat.

Another concern when it comes to weight loss for vegetarians is getting all of the nutrition you need. While you may already be aware of combining foods and are paying attention to the nutrients in your food, it becomes even more important when trying to lose weight because you will be reducing your overall caloric intake.

There is good news for vegetarians trying to lose weight: they are almost always getting enough fiber in their diets. Fiber helps to regulate blood sugar levels, makes you feel full, and keeps the digestive tract moving along. All of these things are beneficial when you are trying to lose weight. If you are eating a wide variety of vegetarian foods, then you should have no problem getting enough fiber in your daily diet.

What you eat is only part of the picture when it comes to losing weight. If you are serious about shedding pounds, then you need to incorporate exercise into your routine (this is true whether you're a vegetarian or not). What you want to focus on are exercises that burn calories, and that include aerobic and resistance activity. Aerobic exercises are those that make you work up a sweat and they burn the most calories while you are doing them. Resistance exercise doesn't burn nearly as many calories while you are exercising, but it does build up muscle mass which burns more calories while you are at rest. Doing both types of exercise will help you lose weight quickly.

Weight loss for vegetarians has a lot in common with other types of losing weight, but there are a few differences. That's okay, though, because the differences can actually work in your favor and male it easier for you to get rid of some extra pounds.

Rabu, 01 Maret 2017

Best diet to lose weight fast and keep it off (part 2)

Kale Diet Supplements-Not Just Garnish

 You may have thought that kale is just used as a garnish on your burger at your favorite restaurant but in truth, you can use Kale Diet Supplements to help with your weight loss too.

Kale has been found to help prevent cancer and may be a great addition to other cancer preventing lifestyle habits. Also, kale is high in fiber which can help keep the body clean of toxins as well as lower cholesterol levels.

Kale is a great source of calcium along with other leafy green vegetables like broccoli, and spinach. Basically, you can add kale to your diet and get all the calcium you need without adding the fat and calories that is so common in many dairy products.

Often, these supplements will also be mixed with other natural ingredients that will provide even more health benefits.

So, what do kale diet supplements really do? How will they help you with weight loss and what other, if any, health benefits can you get from adding kale to your diet?

Well, you can take it as a supplement, but you can also just chop it up and add it to your foods. Some people don't like the taste of kale, but others don't mind it at all.

Depending on your tastes, and whether or not you like the taste, you can prepare it in  ways to make it more palatable if you need to.

If you choose to go the supplement route, remember that you have many places you can get it. You can go to virtually any vitamin and supplement store either online or off to buy your supplements.

If you do choose to buy online you will usually get a better deal, but you do need to be cautious about the site you buy from.

Most online retailers are reputable, but not all. Make sure you only deal with reputable sites so you don't get ripped off.

You can also do some research and find many recipes that include kale as the main, or secondary, ingredient.

Recently my daughter, who is a vegan, found a recipe that included kale, potatoes and onions and formed a great tasting side dish... and I'm not even a vegan.

The point is that you can get kale into your diet in many ways and the health benefits of kale are numerous. For that reason, it just makes sense to add it to your diet.

Whether you do it in the form of supplements or just go to your local grocery store for fresh, there are many ways you can get more of the nutritional benefits into your diet.

With so many nutritional benefits, no known side effects, virtually no calories and so many different ways to add it to your diet, kale is a wise diet choice.

Kale diet supplements are just one way to add kale to your diet. You will also have many places to go to get your supplements. All in all, it just makes sense to add this amazing little food to your daily diet.

 Liquid Seaweed For Diets Can Be An Advantage

There are many advantages to including liquid seaweed for diets. Seaweed may sound odd, but it actually has many health benefits and virtually no side effects.

Of course, you always need to talk to your doctor before you start taking any type of supplement. Many people make the mistake of thinking that since something is natural it is ok.

In most cases that is true, but even all natural supplements can be toxic if taken in the wrong quantities. They can also interact badly with other drugs you are taking whether they were prescribed by your doctor or purchased over the counter.

Also, seaweed is thought to act as a blood thinner. All the more reason to talk to your doctor especially if you will be having any type of medical or dental procedure or if you are already taking a blood thinner.

For these reasons, talk to your doctor first.

So, liquid seaweed for diets can help, but you don't need to stop there. Seaweed can help with many health related issues.

Seaweed is loaded with healthy minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc. These minerals can help many aspects of your health and looks such as with hair growth and healthy blood.

Another benefit of seaweed is that it is a great source for iodine. Iodine is important to keep your thyroid functioning properly.

Another benefit of adding seaweed to your diet is that you will get a lot more fiber into your diet. Adding this fiber to your diet can help in many ways, but one of the best is the fact that it can help you lower your bad cholesterol levels.

All you need to do is add either liquid, or crumbles of seaweed to your soups and salads or other foods. It's a pretty easy to get more fiber into your diet.

It is important to remember that there can be tons of claims about the latest and greatest "wonder drug" and while seaweed doesn't really fall into that category, it can help with a lot of your health issues.

Not only is it loaded with minerals it has virtually no calories, so you have no real danger in adding it to many of your meals.

Oh, and one other thing you can use the liquid form of seaweed for: your garden. Seaweed can actually help your plants grow more healthy.

Seaweed can be especially helpful during times of drought and other stresses that may ordinarily kill your plants or at least cause them to wither and stop growing.

As you can see, seaweed can be an extremely helpful component to your weight loss, health and even gardening efforts. It may not be a wonder drug but it is definitely useful for many things.

Liquid seaweed for diets is available online and in most natural health food stores and where vitamins and minerals are sold. You can use this supplement to help with more than just your weight loss. But, make sure you ask your doctor first before you start adding it to your diet.

 Long Term Weight Loss-Fad diets Not The Answer

 It is actually pretty easy to lose weight, but the hard part is keeping it off. Long term weight loss may seem impossible, but it can be done if you stick to a few basic guidelines. Imagine how great you will feel when you are able to take off weight and keep it off. No more roller coaster dieting. Hooray!

Fad diets can and do work, but they are designed to only work on a short term basis. The reason for this is simple: if they worked on a long term basis, then there wouldn't be anybody left to buy the next fad diet when it came along. That's not to say that there is some vast conspiracy, however, it is clear that it is in their best interests to make fad diets work for only a short time (if at all).

If you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off for good, then here are a few things you can do:

1. Skip the fad diets. Yes, fad diets sound awesome, and some of them do work for a while, but they are not designed to give you lasting weight loss. Instead, follow a weight loss plan that takes a sensible approach and focuses on changing habits as opposed to relying on cheap gimmicks. To put it simply: think habits, not gimmicks.

2. Eat a variety of food. Trying to restrict the foods you eat, especially if they are the foods you love, will only make you want to quit your diet. Sure, your willpower may be able to carry you through a tough spot or two, but chances are that you will eventually give into temptation. However, if you eat a variety of foods, then temptation won't have a chance to get a foothold, and that means you will have any easier time losing weight.

3. Moderation is the key. As you have already seen, you can eat the foods you love and still lose weight; however, you can't gorge yourself on doughnuts and double cheeseburgers without gaining weight. Remember, we are talking about moderation here, and that works both ways. You shouldn't eat heaping piles of junk food, just as you shouldn't avoid whole groups of foods or eat tiny portions that are unsatisfying.

4. Support. Surrounding yourself with people that are genuinely interested in your health will be a great help to permanently keeping off the weight. Be careful here, as some friends and family will be jealous and may try to sabotage your efforts. Do your best to not let them get to you, and associate more with the people who really care.

5. Lose weight at a steady pace. There are plenty of diets that promise the ability to lose 5, 10 or even 20 pounds in as little as one to two weeks. However, it is far better to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week, every week, than it is to lose 20 pounds in two weeks, only to gain it all back later. By pacing yourself you will be more likely to stick with your plan, and that's vital to long term weight loss.

 Losing Weight With A Home Gym The Pros And Cons

There are a lot of good reasons to join a gym, but there are a few drawbacks as well. Perhaps these drawbacks have made you consider losing weight with a home gym, but would that be better or worse than actually joining a gym? Here are a few things to keep in mind as you make your decision.

Pros: More than anything else, a gym gives you access to a wide variety of equipment and other exercise choices. There should be treadmills, ellipticals, weight machines, free weights, and more. Most gyms also offer aerobics, yoga, and other group sessions to help you burn off extra calories. Personal trainers are often on hand (though you may be charged extra for their services) to make sure you are getting a good workout and exercising properly. Some people also find that working out in front of other people serves as motivation to get fit.

Cons: Some people dread the idea of working out in front of people. Virtually every gym requires you to sign a contract of some kind, which means that you end up paying for it whether you use the gym regularly or not. Gyms are businesses so they will usually try to sell you other things such as supplements or special offers. While more and more gyms are have around-the-clock access, it's still a hassle to go to the gym.

Losing Weight with a Home Gym

Pros: The biggest benefit of having a home gym is convenience. Imagine being able to exercise any time the urge strikes and not having to worry traffic or how you look; you can just work out whenever you feel like working out. You also don't have to deal with people competing for the same machine as you often have to do at a gym. While the upfront cost of a home gym may be higher than a few months at a gym, the ongoing cost will be much lower.

Cons: Home gyms tend to take up space, but if that's an issue for you, then you want to buy a unit that can be folded up or rolled out of the way. If you want to do a wide range of exercises, then look for a home gym that is more versatile. You will also need strong self-motivation to get the most out of your home gym, as there won't be any trainers on hand to encourage you (unless you choose to hire a personal trainer to visit you at home).

So, what is your best option? If there is any possible way for you to do both, then go for it! By joining a gym and having a home gym you will be able to get the benefits from each one. Even if you already have a gym membership, losing weight with a home gym is a good addition to that membership. Whichever you choose, getting in shape is worthwhile and rewarding experience.

Senin, 27 Februari 2017

Stretching For Lower Back Pain When Exercising To Lose Weight

The best way to treat lower back pain is to avoid it in the first place; however, that's nearly impossible with the demands modern life puts on our bodies. The good news is that there are stretching exercises for lower back pain that can bring much-needed relief. Note: You must always talk to your doctor about any health concerns, and follow their recommendations carefully.

Just about everybody experiences back pain at one point or another. The causes of lower back pain include improper lifting, repetitive stress, trauma, obesity and other underlying health problems. The cause of the pain may determine the best treatment, and that's why it's so important to talk to your doctor.

Sadly, far too many people turn to medication first. That's not to say that medication doesn't work, but rather that it comes with the potential of serious side effects. Pain is actually a useful feedback mechanism in that it tells your body to stop doing something that's harmful. When you take medication, your body doesn't receive or process pain signals the same way, so you need to be extra careful that you're not doing something harmful. Then there is also the high risk of developing an addiction to the pain relievers; after all, people like to feel good and taking the medication away often means the pain comes right back.

Stretching exercises for lower back pain are a natural way to feel better, but you still need to be careful. Again, be sure to discuss all of your treatment options with your doctor. The risks associated with medication or surgery are gone, yet there are potential risks to exercising. You can virtually eliminate these risks by doing the proper exercises and not overdoing it when exercising.

Never stretch further than is comfortable unless you are under the direct supervision of a physical therapist at the time. You may be able to get away with pushing yourself when doing regular stretching exercises and don't have back problems, but if you have back pain, then overstretching will only make things worse.

You have a few options for finding the best exercises. You can go to a physical therapist, take yoga classes, search for free videos online (though this is risky as you have no way of verifying credentials), or you can buy books or DVDs with stretching exercises for lower back pain. The main thing is to get instruction from someone who understands the problem, and will not cause you to injure yourself. There is no shortage of resources for finding the best exercises for you, but you need to actually follow through on them if you want to get the benefits. In other words, ignoring the problem won't make it go away.

While you may be most interested in stretching exercises for lower back pain, it's good to know that these exercises can improve your entire state of health. So, find some exercises you would like to try and see how much better they make you feel.

Losing Weight With A Home Gym The Pros And Cons

There are a lot of good reasons to join a gym, but there are a few drawbacks as well. Perhaps these drawbacks have made you consider losing weight with a home gym, but would that be better or worse than actually joining a gym? Here are a few things to keep in mind as you make your decision.

Pros: More than anything else, a gym gives you access to a wide variety of equipment and other exercise choices. There should be treadmills, ellipticals, weight machines, free weights, and more. Most gyms also offer aerobics, yoga, and other group sessions to help you burn off extra calories. Personal trainers are often on hand (though you may be charged extra for their services) to make sure you are getting a good workout and exercising properly. Some people also find that working out in front of other people serves as motivation to get fit.

Cons: Some people dread the idea of working out in front of people. Virtually every gym requires you to sign a contract of some kind, which means that you end up paying for it whether you use the gym regularly or not. Gyms are businesses so they will usually try to sell you other things such as supplements or special offers. While more and more gyms are have around-the-clock access, it's still a hassle to go to the gym.

Losing Weight with a Home Gym

Pros: The biggest benefit of having a home gym is convenience. Imagine being able to exercise any time the urge strikes and not having to worry traffic or how you look; you can just work out whenever you feel like working out. You also don't have to deal with people competing for the same machine as you often have to do at a gym. While the upfront cost of a home gym may be higher than a few months at a gym, the ongoing cost will be much lower.

Cons: Home gyms tend to take up space, but if that's an issue for you, then you want to buy a unit that can be folded up or rolled out of the way. If you want to do a wide range of exercises, then look for a home gym that is more versatile. You will also need strong self-motivation to get the most out of your home gym, as there won't be any trainers on hand to encourage you (unless you choose to hire a personal trainer to visit you at home).

So, what is your best option? If there is any possible way for you to do both, then go for it! By joining a gym and having a home gym you will be able to get the benefits from each one. Even if you already have a gym membership, losing weight with a home gym is a good addition to that membership. Whichever you choose, getting in shape is worthwhile and rewarding experience.

Long Term Weight Loss-Fad diets Not The Answer

It is actually pretty easy to lose weight, but the hard part is keeping it off. Long term weight loss may seem impossible, but it can be done if you stick to a few basic guidelines. Imagine how great you will feel when you are able to take off weight and keep it off. No more roller coaster dieting. Hooray!

Fad diets can and do work, but they are designed to only work on a short term basis. The reason for this is simple: if they worked on a long term basis, then there wouldn't be anybody left to buy the next fad diet when it came along. That's not to say that there is some vast conspiracy, however, it is clear that it is in their best interests to make fad diets work for only a short time (if at all).

If you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off for good, then here are a few things you can do:

1. Skip the fad diets. Yes, fad diets sound awesome, and some of them do work for a while, but they are not designed to give you lasting weight loss. Instead, follow a weight loss plan that takes a sensible approach and focuses on changing habits as opposed to relying on cheap gimmicks. To put it simply: think habits, not gimmicks.

2. Eat a variety of food. Trying to restrict the foods you eat, especially if they are the foods you love, will only make you want to quit your diet. Sure, your willpower may be able to carry you through a tough spot or two, but chances are that you will eventually give into temptation. However, if you eat a variety of foods, then temptation won't have a chance to get a foothold, and that means you will have any easier time losing weight.

3. Moderation is the key. As you have already seen, you can eat the foods you love and still lose weight; however, you can't gorge yourself on doughnuts and double cheeseburgers without gaining weight. Remember, we are talking about moderation here, and that works both ways. You shouldn't eat heaping piles of junk food, just as you shouldn't avoid whole groups of foods or eat tiny portions that are unsatisfying.

4. Support. Surrounding yourself with people that are genuinely interested in your health will be a great help to permanently keeping off the weight. Be careful here, as some friends and family will be jealous and may try to sabotage your efforts. Do your best to not let them get to you, and associate more with the people who really care.

5. Lose weight at a steady pace. There are plenty of diets that promise the ability to lose 5, 10 or even 20 pounds in as little as one to two weeks. However, it is far better to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week, every week, than it is to lose 20 pounds in two weeks, only to gain it all back later. By pacing yourself you will be more likely to stick with your plan, and that's vital to long term weight loss.

Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

Best Diet to lose Weight fast and keep it off

The idea losing weight fast is an attractive one. However, you may be wondering if it's really possible, and if so, is it something that you can do. What you need is a proven weight loss strategy because shedding extra pounds is nearly impossible if you try to stumble your way through it. Chances are that you have struggled with being overweight for a number of years, and you have probably developed some habits that contribute to your problem. Whatever the cause of your weight problem is, having an effective strategy that you can plug into any weight loss plan is the key to solving it.

1. Fun - Well, that's an odd thing for a strategy, isn't it? At first glance that may seem to be the case, but you may as well have fun while you are working so hard to improve your health. Work and fun are not opposites, so go ahead and eat fun food and do fun things to burn calories. Smile! Remember, losing weight is rewarding, not depressing drudgery. After you start losing some weight, you will see how much better you feel when you make fun a part of your strategy.

2. Attitude - No matter how much weight you have to lose, no matter how many diets you have tried in the past, you can lose weight! Not only is it possible, but it is very likely now that you are arming yourself with a proven weight loss strategy. There is one guaranteed way to not lose weight and that is believing that you can't. You will be much further ahead in the game by believing that you really can lose weight. You also need to have an attitude of doing whatever it takes to lose weight. There will obstacles and temptations along the way, but having the right attitude will get you past them.

3. Resources - No man or woman is an island, and trying to lose weight all by yourself is an exercise in futility. Sure, you could simply eat less and exercise more on your own, but having a plan will give you a framework on which to build your weight loss. Resources can also include weight loss guides, scales, calorie counters, gym memberships, a sympathetic friend to talk to, and so on. The more resources you have and make use of, the more likely you are to succeed.

4. Time - How long did it take you to weigh as much as you do now? If you are several pounds overweight, then it's a safe bet that you did not balloon up overnight, or even in a few months for that matter. Therefore, it's going to take some time to take that weight off. However, if you follow a good plan combined with a proven weight loss strategy, then you should be able to lose weight faster than you put it on.

5. Success! - It isn't always easy to lose weight, but it is possible. Be sure to celebrate the small successes along the way, as well as reaching your ultimate goal.

Approved Weight Loss Programs- So Can It Really Be Easy
"But it's so easy to lose weight!" You can be sure that anybody who utters such a statement has never really had to lose weight. In theory, losing weight shouldn't be that tough, but finding approved weight loss programs makes things more complicated than they should be. To be clear, we are referring to weight loss programs that approved by doctors, or are otherwise medically sound.

If you have ever tried losing weight, then chances are that you have seen more than your fair share of fad diets. It would be great if we could simply say that fad diets never get approval from medical doctors, but that isn't the case. In fact, one of the most famous diets, the Atkins Diet, was formulated by Dr. Robert C. Atkins, so that certainly has at least one stamp of approval from a doctor.

It only makes sense that people would be looking for some sort of approved weight loss program, and the purveyors of fad diets are well aware of this fact. Unfortunately, some of them will pay a doctor for their endorsement, and some of the more unscrupulous ones will use faulty credentials to give the illusion of medical approval.

So, what it comes down to is this: it is up to you to determine whether or not a diet is healthy or not. The good news is that there are a few things you can look for when trying to draw your own conclusion.

1. Watch out for bold claims. When you see a headline that looks like "Lose 30 Pounds in Two Days! Guaranteed!!!" it's time to run in the other direction. There are diets that work really well, but if the promises sound too good to be true, then they probably are.

2. Is the diet overly restrictive? Your body requires a wide range of micro- and macronutrients to be at its healthiest. Science is always finding new compounds in food that are beneficial to us. Diets that forbid certain foods automatically start you off on the wrong foot by limiting how much nutrition you can receive. Furthermore, diets that are too restrictive can cause you to eventually give in to temptation, and give into it in a bad way.

3. Gimmicks. All a fad diet needs to be successful is one good-sounding gimmick. The gimmick could revolve around eating a certain food (re: Peanut Butter Diet, Cookie Diet, Cabbage Soup diet, etc.), avoiding certain foods (re: no-carb and low-carb diets), or methods that need more medical studies done (re: HCG diets); to name a few. The truth is that gimmicks may actually help you to lose weight, but only until the novelty wears off. Once the novelty is gone, the pounds come back on and sometimes they bring a few new friends along for the ride.

4. Does it combine the powers of diet and exercise? Approved weight loss programs take a balanced approach. They also understand that the real "magic" happens when you use both diet and exercise to lose weight.

Best Way To Lose Weight-Make The Changes

So, what is the best way to lose weight? Is it with herbal supplements, a prescription from your doctor, surgery? Well, many people have benefited from each of these methods and you may too.

But, as far as I'm concerned, the best way to lose weight is to make changes to your lifestyle.

I know it can be overwhelming and intimidating but the truth is that the other things I listed above are either only short term or they will require lifestyle changes too.

So, if you want to lose the weight and keep it off you will need to make permanent changes. If you don't, you will just gain the weight back as soon as you finish whatever "program" you decide to use.

And, one other thing to keep in mind, before you start any type of weight loss program, make sure you talk to your doctor. Even if you are going the all natural route, your doctor still needs to know.

Once you are done talking to your doctor and get his ok, it's time to get started. First, you need to decide where you want to start.

For most people, I think it's better to start with one aspect: either diet or exercise and go from there. Eventually you will want to combine both diet and exercise but for now, start with one thing to keep it simple.

So, decide where you want to start. If you decide to start with your diet, and for many that may be the easiest place to begin, than what you need to do is to determine what part of your diet isn't working.

For example, if you realize that you eat out too often, that is where you can start. Ideally, you will stop eating out for all but special occasions, but if that seems too difficult, why not just cut way back?

Allow yourself only one time a week to eat out, for example. You can bring that same, simple approach to any other problem areas you have in your diet.

If you drink too many sugary drinks, just cut back on how many you drink.  If you don't think that you can cut them out of your life altogether, just cut way back.

Of course, these first few steps will be only the beginning, but once you start seeing results you will fell more inclined to stick with them and expand on them.

Again, you can do the same thing with your exercise. Don't think that you have to start big here either. Just do one simple thing that allows you to get more exercise on a daily basis.

Taking a walk, going for a swim, doing a workout routine in your own home, whatever it is you can start small if you need to.

Again, once you start seeing results and are used to your new routine, why not expand on it? If you are walking why not start walking further or faster?

You can also add some weight training if you haven't already. Weight training will not make you bulk up but it can help you build sexy lean muscle mass which will also allow you to increase your metabolism and lose weight even more quickly.

To me, that is the best way to loose weight and the best way to make sure you keep it off forever.

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

Salmon Recipes Good for Weight Loss

Source Article http://spryliving.com/articles/salmon-recipes-for-weight-loss/

If you’re anything like us, you spent the last, oh, two months gorging on cookies, mashed potatoes, casseroles, and pretty much any unhealthy morsel you could get your hands on.

 Unfortunately, all of that reckless feasting has caught up with you, and the time has come to lay down the healthy eating gauntlet. Enter salmon. This pretty-in-pink fish gets a gold star when it comes to your health—it’s packed with protein, heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and B vitamins. Plus, it’s incredibly easy to make; simply place on foil, brush with olive oil and seasoning, and bake for 15 to 25 minutes. Easy peasy!

Here are eight hassle-free salmon recipes to add to your weeknight rotation.

Simple Sriracha Salmon For The first Recipes Salmon good For weight Loss

When we say simple, we mean really simple. A salmon filet is coated with a sweet-and-spicy honey sriracha sauce and roasted ’til it’s melt-in-your-mouth tender. Voila. All things in life should be so easy.

Maple Miso Dijon Salmon

Call it a classic mustard salmon with an Asian twist: This succulent salmon is marinated in a mixture of Dijon, grainy mustard, maple syrup and Miso paste and baked until the glaze becomes slightly caramelized. The end result is a fancy-tasting meal your dinner guests will never forget.

Maple Bourbon Pan-Fried Salmon

Oh me, oh my. We can’t get enough of this sweet, glossy maple bourbon glaze. Served atop a bed of tangy cranberry sauce, this wintry dish is comfort food at its lightest.

Slow-Cooked Salmon

You’ve heard of slow-cooked beef, but slow-cooked salmon? It sounds funky, but this knockout meal does not disappoint. The slow-cooking method makes the salmon extra tender and flaky, and the addition of a simple vinaigrette lends a bit of flavor and moisture to the finished dish that gets topped off with crispy capers. Serve atop a bed of chickpeas and greens for a satisfying, hearty meal that packs a major nutritional punch.

Coconut Curry Salmon and Zucchini Noodles
We love Thai noodles, but we aren’t so keen on the carbs and fat that come along with them. Problem solved: zucchini noodles. They have the texture and feel of traditional noodles, but with umpteen times more nutrition and a fraction of the carbs. This deeply flavorful salmon dish combines fragrant curry with creamy coconut atop a bed of zucchini noodles.

Honey Baked Salmon

This simple dish requires minimal hands-on time but yields terrific results. Honey, garlic, white wine vinegar and fresh thyme come together for a lovely salmon meal that tastes gourmet. May we suggest pairing it with a nice buttery Chardonnay?

Salmon Superfood Salad

This nutrition-packed salad is just as pleasing to the tastebuds as it is to the eyes. A rich salmon filet sits atop a luscious bed of kale, avocado, pomegranate seeds, and quinoa—a grand total of five superfoods. A tangy, homemade honey mustard vinaigrette perfectly balances out the dish.

Lemon Artichoke Baked Salmon
You guessed it—another easy salmon dish. This unique take features zesty lemon, baked artichokes, and green onions for an unforgettable meal the whole family will adore

Jumat, 17 Februari 2017

Riview Best diet to lose weight fast and keep it off

If you are looking for a diet that will help you to lose weight quickly, you are looking in the wrong place.  There is no "best diet to help you lose weight quickly."  All of us are different, and what may work wonderfully for me, may not work at all for you.  I know people who actually gain weight while they are fully committed to the latest media driven, "best diet ever."   What you should be looking for is your best diet to lose weight quickly.

Which brings us to our first point - when looking for your own personal best diet to lose weight quickly, stay away from anything that is getting media attention.  News programs look for sensational, because they want ratings.  If a diet has been helping people to lose weight and keep it off for years, it is not newsworthy.  But, if a diet has helped some people to lose unhealthy amounts of weight, in a short time, by eating in a counter-intuitive way, well that's news!  Look for programs that have either been around and successful for a long time, or are based on methods that are proven effective over time.  Our bodies have not changed, and neither has its ability to burn calories.

Your best diet to lose weight quickly will not be temporary, or a quick fix.  There are a ton of diets out there that can help you lose a lot of weight quickly. The trouble is that you will feel awful while you are on them, which means that you will not be able to stick with it forever.  Then, when you go off of the diet, your metabolism will be so out of whack from eating unnaturally that you will immediately start gaining the weight back.  When you find the right diet plan for you, it will be something that you can stick with because that is the only way that you will get lasting results.

It is important to realize that your best diet to lose weight quickly will not be a diet at all, but a lifestyle.  You want to lose weight, to be healthier, and to have more energy, right?  Eating right for your body, and exercising several times a week will help you to accomplish all of that.  I know for myself, when I started exercising again, I felt an energy surge almost immediately.  I am now able to have a lot more fun playing with my boys, and I have a lot more energy at the end of the day which means that I am actually awake to enjoy some time with my wife after the boys go to bed.

Finally, listen to your body.  When looking for your best diet to lose weight quickly, make sure that you find one that makes you feel good while you are on it.  Feeling miserable will always lead to quitting a diet, but more importantly, that terrible feeling is your body's way of telling you that something is off.  You are not getting the right kinds of nutrients that your body needs to maintain your health and energy.  Listen to your body and you will have much greater success losing weight!

Kurt Abel from MyFastEffectiveWeightLoss

I have been through the process of realizing that I was overweight, that I needed a change, and I am now on the other side of that process. I run a website dedicated to helping you start losing weight quickly [http://www.myfasteffectiveweightloss.com]. Read my latest post to learn more about your best diet to lose weight [http://www.myfasteffectiveweightloss.com/burn-fat-build-muscle/the-best-diet-to-lose-weight-quickly.php] quickly.